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Accessing refugee/migrant children’s prior learning

Education is a key element for refugee and migrant children’s social inclusion into host communities. Insufficient school capacity, language barriers and accessing migrant/refugee children’s prior learning have proven great challenges for the majority of the EU host countries during recent years.

European project CIRCLE supports the inclusion of newly arrived migrant/refugee primary and secondary school age children in education, by developing diagnostic tools, specifically designed for assessing their prior learning. These tools enable the assessment and validation of the level of knowledge of children with minimal native and/or English language skills.
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On the 26th of May, Asociación Mar Violeta organised an event in Gijón (Llano Avenue, 11) where educators from different centres attended and personnel from different regional education departments connected via Zoom. This event was the culmination of a great Project in which we review its trajectory and all results from the project were presented, such as the manuals for the assessment of newly arrived migrant/refugee children in our country, policy recommendations and the COEUS online platform, as well as the number of educators that were trained on the use of this innovative tools during the lifetime of the project.

CIRCLE – “Inclusion of Refugee Children in Education” aims to enhance access to education for migrant/refugee children, reduce their chances of early school leaving and promote their successful progression through the education system. By creating tools and policies that will allow education professionals to effectively assess and validate their prior learning, the project will enable the continuity of learning for newly arrived refugee/migrant children.

For more information about the project, please visit or contact us at

Press release.

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