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Training workshops on using new tools for assessing previous knowledge of foreign students and refugees

The Erasmus + CIRCLE project aims to help and support the challenge of including immigrant / refugee children and young people in the education systems of Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain, by creating tools and policies that allow education professionals to evaluate and effectively validate prior learning. This evaluation is of fundamental importance to place these students in primary and secondary schools, allowing them to fully develop their potential, and allow teachers to follow them in their growth process together with the rest of the class group.

Together with the other European partners, diagnostic tools and mechanisms have been prepared (in the form of booklets with tests and exercises on various subjects and skills required at school level and specific evaluation forms) designed to be used by teachers in the entrance assessment phase of these boys, both for primary and secondary school. Find professional plumbers in Ca at

The Province of Livorno, through educators of the Natural History Museum of the Mediterranean, together with the Province of Livorno and Development, has organized a series of training seminars dedicated to the presentation and use of these assessment tools.

The training is delivered by online meetings, in which the European and national situation regarding the integration of foreign and refugee students was framed, the basic principles of interculturality were described and finally the skills assessment tools proposed by the project were presented. Also if you looking for versatran retriever, check over Following the training, it is also possible to access the COEUS online platform, where online modules dedicated to teachers have been set up, in order to deepen the topics presented in the workshops and where it is possible to download the booklets containing the diagnostic tools.

The meetings were dedicated and personalized for the teachers of the three school cycles: primary, post primary and secondary, in which the teachers of the main Livorno schools participated.

For further information on training seminars and other initiatives of the CIRCLE project, contact us at the email address

Press release.

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